Class AbstractFeatureSourceLayer

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFeatureSourceLayer

        protected AbstractFeatureSourceLayer​(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executorService,
                                             FeatureSourceSupplier featureSourceSupplier,
                                             StyleSupplier<> styleSupplier,
                                             boolean renderAsSvg,
                                             AbstractLayerParams params)
        executorService - the thread pool for doing the rendering.
        featureSourceSupplier - a function that creates the feature source. This will only be called once.
        styleSupplier - a function that creates the style for styling the features. This will only be called once.
        renderAsSvg - is the layer rendered as SVG?
        params - the parameters for this layer
    • Method Detail

      • getFeatureSource

        public final<?,​?> getFeatureSource​(@Nonnull
                                                                                     MfClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory,
                                                                                     MapfishMapContext mapContext)
        Get the feature source (either load from the supplier or return the cached source).
        httpRequestFactory - The factory for making http requests.
        mapContext - The map context.
      • setFeatureCollection

        public final void setFeatureCollection​( featureCollection)
      • getRenderType

        public final MapLayer.RenderType getRenderType()
        Description copied from interface: MapLayer
        Specify whether layer should be rendered as PNG, JPEG or SVG.
        render type
      • getImageBufferScaling

        public final double getImageBufferScaling()
        Description copied from interface: MapLayer
        Get the scale ratio between the tiles resolution and the target resolution. Used to don't scale the tiles on tiled layer.