Class FeatureLayer.Plugin

    • Constructor Detail

      • Plugin

        public Plugin()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public FeatureLayer parse​(@Nonnull
                                  Template template,
                                  FeatureLayer.FeatureLayerParam param)
        Description copied from interface: MapLayerFactoryPlugin
        Inspect the json data and return Optional<MapLayer> or Optional.absent().
        template - the configuration related to the current request.
        param - an object populated from the json for the layer
      • createStyleFunction

        protected StyleSupplier<> createStyleFunction​(Template template,
                                                                                         java.lang.String styleString,
                                                                                         java.lang.String defaultStyleName)
        Create a function that will create the style on demand. This is called later in a separate thread so any blocking calls will not block the parsing of the layer attributes.
        template - the template for this map
        styleString - a string that identifies a style.
        defaultStyleName - a custom name for the default style. If null, the default style is selected depending on the geometry type.