Class GeoJsonLayer.Plugin

    • Constructor Detail

      • Plugin

        public Plugin()
    • Method Detail

      • createParameter

        public GeoJsonLayer.GeoJsonParam createParameter()
        Description copied from interface: MapLayerFactoryPlugin
        Create an instance of a param object. Each instance must be new and unique. Instances must NOT be shared.

        The object will be populated from the json. Each public field will be populated by looking up the value in the json.

        The same mechanism used for reading from the JSON into the param object is also used for parsing the JSON into Attribute value objects. See ReflectiveAttribute.createValue(org.mapfish.print.config.Template)()} for details on how the parsing mechanism works.

      • parse

        public GeoJsonLayer parse​(@Nonnull
                                  Template template,
                                  GeoJsonLayer.GeoJsonParam param)
        Description copied from interface: MapLayerFactoryPlugin
        Inspect the json data and return Optional<MapLayer> or Optional.absent().
        template - the configuration related to the current request.
        param - an object populated from the json for the layer