Class TiledWmsLayer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class TiledWmsLayer
    extends AbstractTiledLayer
    Strategy object for rendering WMS based layers .
    • Constructor Detail

      • TiledWmsLayer

        public TiledWmsLayer​(@Nonnull
                             java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool,
                             StyleSupplier<org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D> styleSupplier,
                             TiledWmsLayerParam param,
                             com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry,
                             Configuration configuration)
        forkJoinPool - the thread pool for doing the rendering.
        styleSupplier - strategy for loading the style for this layer.
        param - the information needed to create WMS requests.
        registry - the metrics registry.
        configuration - the configuration.
      • TiledWmsLayer

        public TiledWmsLayer​(WmsLayer wmsLayer,
                             java.awt.Dimension tileSize,
                             int tileBufferWidth,
                             int tileBufferHeight)
        Create a copy of the given WmsLayer, but tiled.
        wmsLayer - The source layer
        tileSize - The size of the tiles
        tileBufferWidth - The width of the the buffer tile for meta tile
        tileBufferHeight - The height of the the buffer tile for meta tile
    • Method Detail

      • getParams

        public TiledWmsLayerParam getParams()
        Get the HTTP params.
        the HTTP params
      • getRenderType

        public MapLayer.RenderType getRenderType()
        Description copied from interface: MapLayer
        Specify whether layer should be rendered as PNG, JPEG or SVG.
        render type