Web Protocol

The API is the web/HTTP protocol allowing a client to interact with the print service via the web.

List available print configurations

Lists the identifiers of all print configurations that are available in the MapFish Print instance.


GET /apps.json

Response Sample


Get the capabilities for a print configuration

Return the capabilities for a specific print configuration.


GET /:appId/capabilities.json

:appId should be the identifier of one of the available print configurations.

Response Sample

Request URI: GET /simple/capabilities.json

    "app": "simple",
    "layouts": [
            "name": "A4 Portrait",
            "attributes": [
    "formats": [
    "smtp": {
      "enabled": false

The smtp section shows "enabled": true if the reports can be sent by email. To enable this feature, please refer to the !smtpConfig section.

Create a print job

Send a print request to create a print job.


POST /:appId/report.:format

:appId should be the identifier of one of the available print configurations.

:format should be one of the formats supported by the specified print configuration (e.g. pdf or png).


The POST body must be either a print request encoded as JSON, or a form-encoded request where the field spec contains the print request encoded as JSON.

The print request must contain the following properties:

  • layout: One of the available layouts of the specified print configuration.
  • attributes: A list of attributes that are required by the specified layout.

If the report must be sent by email and the feature is enabled in the app, an smtp property looking like that (subject and body are optional) must be added to the request:

  "smtp": {
    "to": "toto@example.com",
    "subject": "The email subject",
    "body": "Some <b>html</b> body"


The JSON response contains the following properties:

  • ref: A reference id that can be used to request the status for the print job or to download the finished report.
  • statusURL: The URL to request the status.
  • downloadURL: The URL under which the report will be available once the print job has finished.

Request Sample

Request URI: POST /simple/report.pdf

Request body

    "layout": "A4 Portrait",
    "attributes": {
        "map": {
            "center": [
            "dpi": 72,
            "layers": [
            "projection": "EPSG:3857",
            "rotation": 0,
            "scale": 25000
        "scalebar": {
            "projection": "EPSG:21781"
        "title": "Sample Print"

Response Sample

    "ref": "15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273@3067ade6-0768-4fc6-b41d-40422d0cdb8b",
    "statusURL": "/print/status/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273.json",
    "downloadURL": "/print/report/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273"

Get the status for a print job

Returns the status for a print job.

You should not call this API if you requested the report to be sent by email.


GET /status/:referenceId.json

:referenceId should be the reference id of a print job, which is returned when creating a job.


The JSON response contains the following properties:

  • done: true if the print job has finished (either successful or not). Otherwise false.
  • status: One of the following values:
    • waiting: The job hasn't yet started processing and is waiting in a queue.
    • running: The job is currently being processed.
    • finished: The job has finished processing.
    • canceled: The job was canceled.
    • error: There was an error executing the job.
  • elapsedTime: The elapsed time in ms from the point the job started. If the job is done, this is the duration it took to process the job.
  • waitingTime: A rough estimate for the time in ms the job still has to wait in the queue until it starts processing. Only set when the status is waiting.
  • error: An error message, if an error occurred.
  • downloadURL: The URL under which the report will be available once the print job has finished.

Response Sample

Request URI: GET /status/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273.json

You should not call this API if you requested the report to be sent by email.

    "done": false,
    "status": "running",
    "elapsedTime": 507,
    "waitingTime": 0,
    "downloadURL": "/print/report/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273"

Download the report for a print job

Downloads a finished print job.


GET /report/:referenceId

:referenceId should be the reference id of a print job, which is returned when creating a job.


Returns the report in the format that was requested when created the print job.

Request Sample

Request URI: GET /report/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273

Cancel a print job

Request the cancellation of a print job.


DELETE /cancel/:referenceId

:referenceId should be the reference id of a print job, which is returned when creating a job.


Status: 200 OK

Request Sample

Request URI: DELETE /cancel/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273

List Available Fonts

List fonts installed in Java Runtime on server. This lists the fonts that can be put in the Jasper Report Templates


GET /fonts


A JSON array containing all the available fonts face names on the server that can be used in Jasper Report Templates

Request Sample

Request URI: GET /fonts