Web Protocol

The API is the web/HTTP protocol allowing a client to interact with the print service via the web.

List available print configurations

Lists the identifiers of all print configurations that are available in the MapFish Print instance.


GET /apps.json

Response Sample


Get the capabilities for a print configuration

Return the capabilities for a specific print configuration.


GET /:appId/capabilities.json

:appId should be the identifier of one of the available print configurations.

Response Sample

Request URI: GET /simple/capabilities.json

    "app": "simple",
    "layouts": [
            "name": "A4 Portrait",
            "attributes": [
    "formats": [
    "smtp": {
      "enabled": false

The smtp section shows "enabled": true if the reports can be sent by email. To enable this feature, please refer to the !smtpConfig section.

Create a print job

Send a print request to create a print job.


POST /:appId/report.:format

:appId should be the identifier of one of the available print configurations.

:format should be one of the formats supported by the specified print configuration (e.g. pdf or png).


The POST body must be either a print request encoded as JSON, or a form-encoded request where the field spec contains the print request encoded as JSON.

The print request must contain the following properties:

  • layout: One of the available layouts of the specified print configuration.
  • attributes: A list of attributes that are required by the specified layout.

If the report must sent by email and the feature is enabled in the app, a smtp property looking like that (subject and body are optional) must be added to the request:

  "smtp": {
    "to": "toto@example.com",
    "subject": "The email subject",
    "body": "Some <b>html</b> body"


The JSON response contains the following properties:

  • ref: A reference id that can be used to request the status for the print job or to download the finished report.
  • statusURL: The URL to request the status.
  • downloadURL: The URL under which the report will be available once the print job has finished.

Request Sample

Request URI: POST /simple/report.pdf

Request body

    "layout": "A4 Portrait",
    "attributes": {
        "map": {
            "center": [
            "dpi": 72,
            "layers": [
            "projection": "EPSG:3857",
            "rotation": 0,
            "scale": 25000
        "scalebar": {
            "projection": "EPSG:21781"
        "title": "Sample Print"

Response Sample

    "ref": "15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273@3067ade6-0768-4fc6-b41d-40422d0cdb8b",
    "statusURL": "/print/status/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273.json",
    "downloadURL": "/print/report/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273"

Get the status for a print job

Returns the status for a print job.

You should not call this API if you requested the report to be sent by email.


GET /status/:referenceId.json

:referenceId should be the reference id of a print job, which is returned when creating a job.


The JSON response contains the following properties:

  • done: true if the print job has finished (either successful or not). Otherwise false.
  • status: One of the following values:
    • waiting: The job hasn't yet started processing and is waiting in a queue.
    • running: The job is currently being processed.
    • finished: The job has finished processing.
    • canceled: The job was canceled.
    • error: There was an error executing the job.
  • elapsedTime: The elapsed time in ms from the point the job started. If the job is done, this is the duration it took to process the job.
  • waitingTime: A rough estimate for the time in ms the job still has to wait in the queue until it starts processing. Only set when the status is waiting.
  • error: An error message, if an error occurred.
  • downloadURL: The URL under which the report will be available once the print job has finished.

Response Sample

Request URI: GET /status/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273.json

You should not call this API if you requested the report to be sent by email.

    "done": false,
    "status": "running",
    "elapsedTime": 507,
    "waitingTime": 0,
    "downloadURL": "/print/report/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273"

Download the report for a print job

Downloads a finished print job.


GET /report/:referenceId

:referenceId should be the reference id of a print job, which is returned when creating a job.


Returns the report in the format that was requested when created the print job.

Request Sample

Request URI: GET /report/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273

Cancel a print job

Request the cancellation of a print job.


DELETE /cancel/:referenceId

:referenceId should be the reference id of a print job, which is returned when creating a job.


Status: 200 OK

Request Sample

Request URI: DELETE /cancel/15179fee-618d-4356-8114-cfd8f146e273

List Available Fonts

List fonts installed in Java Runtime on server. This lists the fonts that can be put in the Jasper Report Templates


GET /fonts


A JSON array containing all the available fonts face names on the server that can be used in Jasper Report Templates

Request Sample

Request URI: GET /fonts