Vector Styles

Styles for vector layers.


Supports all style format.

This style parser support two versions of JSON and SLD formatting. Both versions use the same parameter names for configuring the values of the various properties of the style but the layout differs between the two and version 2 is more flexible and powerful than version 1.

Mapfish JSON Style Version 1

Version 1 is compatible with mapfish print <= v2 and is based on the OpenLayers v2 styling. The layout is as follows:

"version": "1",
"styleProperty": "_gx_style",
"1": {
"fillColor": "#FF0000",
"fillOpacity": 0,
"rotation": "30",

"externalGraphic": "mark.png"
"graphicName": "circle",
"graphicOpacity": 0.4,
"pointRadius": 5,

"strokeColor": "#FFA829",
"strokeOpacity": 1,
"strokeWidth": 5,
"strokeLinecap": "round",
"strokeLinejoin": "round"
"strokeDashstyle": "dot",

"fontColor": "#000000",
"fontFamily": "sans-serif",
"fontSize": "12px",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"fontWeight": "bold",
"haloColor": "#123456",
"haloOpacity": "0.7",
"haloRadius": "3.0",
"label": "${name}",
"labelAlign": "cm",
"labelRotation": "45",
"labelXOffset": "-25.0",
"labelYOffset": "-35.0"

Mapfish JSON Style Version 2

Version 2 uses the same property names as version 1 but has a different structure. The layout is as follows:

"version": "2",
// shared values can be declared here (at top level)
// and used in form ${constName} later in json
"val1": "#FFA829",
// default values for properties can be defined here
" strokeDashstyle": "dot"
"[population > 300]": {
// default values for current rule can be defined here
// they will override default values defined at
// higher level
"rotation": "30",

//min and max scale denominator are optional
"maxScale": 1000000,
"minScale": 100000,
"symbolizers": [{
// values defined in symbolizer will override defaults
"type": "point",
"fillColor": "#FF0000",
"fillOpacity": 0,
"rotation": "30",
"externalGraphic": "mark.png",

"graphicName": "circle",
"graphicOpacity": 0.4,
"pointRadius": 5,

"strokeColor": "${val1}",
"strokeOpacity": 1,
"strokeWidth": 5,
"strokeLinecap": "round",
"strokeLinejoin": "round"
"strokeDashstyle": "dot"
}, {
"type": "line",
"strokeColor": "${val1}",
"strokeOpacity": 1,
"strokeWidth": 5,
"strokeLinecap": "round",
"strokeDashstyle": "dot"
}, {
"type": "polygon",
"fillColor": "#FF0000",
"fillOpacity": 0,

"strokeColor": "${val1}",
"strokeOpacity": 1,
"strokeWidth": 5,
"strokeLinecap": "round",
"strokeDashstyle": "dot"
}, {
"type": "text",
"fontColor": "#000000",
"fontFamily": "sans-serif",
"fontSize": "12px",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"fontWeight": "bold",
"haloColor": "#123456",
"haloOpacity": "0.7",
"haloRadius": "3.0",
"label": "[name]",
"fillColor": "#FF0000",
"fillOpacity": 0,
"labelAlign": "cm",
"labelRotation": "45",
"labelXOffset": "-25.0",
"labelYOffset": "-35.0"

As illustrated above the style consists of:

  • The version number (2) (required)
  • Common values which can be referenced in symbolizer property values.(optional)

    Values can be referenced in the value of a property with the pattern: ${valName}

    Value names can only contain numbers, characters, _ or -

    Values do not have to be the full property they will be interpolated. For example: The value is ${val}

  • Defaults property definitions(optional):

    In order to reduce duplication and keep the style definitions small, default values can be specified. The default values in the root (style level) will be used in all symbolizers if the value is not defined. The style level default will apply to all symbolizers defined in the system.

    The only difference between a value and a default is that the default has a well known name, therefore defaults can also be used as values.

  • All the styling rules (At least one is required)

    A styling rule has a key which is the filter which selects the features that the rule will be used to draw and the rule definition object.

    The filter is either * or an ECQL Expression) surrounded by square brackets. For example: [att < 23].

    WARNING: At the moment DWITHIN and BEYOND spatial functions take a unit parameter. However it is ignored by geotools and the distance is always in the crs of the geometry projection. The rule definition is as follows:

    • Default property values (optional):

      Each rule can also have defaults. If the style and the rule have a default for the same property the rule will override the style default. All defaults can be (of course) overridden by a value in a symbolizer.

    • minScale (optional)

      The minimum scale that the rule should evaluate to true

    • maxScale (optional)

      The maximum scale that the rule should evaluate to true

    • An array of symbolizers. (at least one required).

      A symbolizer must have a type property (point, line, polygon, text) which indicates the type of symbolizer and it has the attributes for that type of symbolizer. All values have defaults so it is possible to define a symbolizer as with only the type property. The only exception is that the "text" symbolizer needs a label property.

Configuration Elements

The items in the list below are the properties that can be set on the different symbolizers. In brackets list the symbolizers the values can apply to.

Most properties can be static values or ECQL expressions. If the property has [ ] around the property value then it will be interpreted as an ECQL expression. Otherwise it is assumed to be static text. If you need static text that start and ends with [ ] then you will have to enter: ['propertyValue'] (where propertyValue start and ends with [ ].

The items below with (ECQL) can have ECQL expressions.

  • fillColor (ECQL) - (polygon, point, text) The color used to fill the point graphic, polygon or text.
  • fillOpacity (ECQL) - (polygon, point, text) The opacity used when fill the point graphic, polygon or text.
  • rotation (ECQL) - (point) The rotation of the point graphic
  • externalGraphic - (point) one of the two options for declaring the point graphic to use. This can be a URL to the icon to use or, if just a string it will be assumed to refer to a file in the configuration directory (or subdirectory). Only files in the configuration directory (or subdirectory) will be allowed.
  • graphicName (ECQL) - (point) one of the two options for declaring the point graphic to use. This is the default and will be a square if not specified. The option are any of the Geotools Marks.

    Geotools has by default 3 types of marks:

    • WellKnownMarks: cross, star, triangle, arrow, X, hatch, square
    • ShapeMarks: shape://vertline, shape://horline, shape://slash, shape://backslash, shape://dot, shape://plus, shape://times, shape://oarrow, shape://carrow, shape://coarrow, shape://ccarrow
    • TTFMarkFactory: ttf://fontName#code (where fontName is a TrueType font and the code is the code number of thecharacter to render for the point.
  • graphicOpacity (ECQL) - (point) the opacity to use when drawing the point graphic
  • pointRadius (ECQL) - (point) the size at which to draw the point graphic
  • strokeColor (ECQL) - (line, point, polygon) the color to use when drawing a line or the outline of a polygon or point graphic
  • strokeOpacity (ECQL) - (line, point, polygon) the opacity to use when drawing the line/stroke
  • strokeWidth (ECQL) - (line, point, polygon) the widh of the line/stroke
  • strokeLinecap (ECQL) - (line, point, polygon) the style used when drawing the end of a line.

    Options: butt (sharp square edge), round (rounded edge), and square (slightly elongated square edge). Default is butt

  • strokeLinejoin (ECQL) - (line, polygon) the style to controls how line strings should be joined together.

    Options: arcs, bevel, miter, miter-clip, round, see the SGV documentation about stroke-linejoin For more information. Default is miter

  • strokeDashstyle - (line, point, polygon) A string describing how to draw the line or an array of floats describing the line lengths and space lengths:
    • dot - translates to dash array: [0.1, 2 * strokeWidth]
    • dash - translates to dash array: [2 * strokeWidth, 2 * strokeWidth]
    • dashdot - translates to dash array: [3 * strokeWidth, 2 * strokeWidth, 0.1, 2 * strokeWidth]
    • longdash - translates to dash array: [4 * strokeWidth, 2 * strokeWidth]
    • longdashdot - translates to dash array: [5 * strokeWidth, 2 * strokeWidth, 0.1, 2 * strokeWidth]
    • {string containing spaces to delimit array elements} - Example: [1 2 3 1 2]
  • strokeDashoffset - (line, point, polygon) A number representing where to start the dash.
  • fontColor (ECQL) - (text) the color of the text drawn
  • fontFamily (ECQL) - (text) the font of the text drawn
  • fontSize (ECQL) - (text) the font size of the text drawn
  • fontStyle (ECQL) - (text) the font style of the text drawn
  • fontWeight (ECQL) - (text) the font weight of the text drawn
  • haloColor (ECQL) - (text) the color of the halo around the text
  • haloOpacity (ECQL) - (text) the opacity of the halo around the text
  • haloRadius (ECQL) - (text) the radius of the halo around the text
  • label (ECQL) - (text) the expression used to create the label e. See the section on labeling for more details
  • labelAlign - (Point Placement) the indicator of how to align the text with respect to the geometry. This property must have 2 characters, the x-align and the y-align.

    X-Align options:

    • l - align to the left of the geometric center
    • c - align on the center of the geometric center
    • r - align to the right of the geometric center

    Y-Align options:

    • b - align to the bottom of the geometric center
    • m - align on the middle of the geometric center
    • t - align to the top of the geometric center
  • labelRotation (ECQL) - (Point Placement) the rotation of the label
  • labelXOffset (ECQL) - (Point Placement) the amount to offset the label along the x axis. positive number offset to the right
  • labelYOffset (ECQL) - (Point Placement) the amount to offset the label along the y axis. positive number offset to the top of the printing
  • labelAnchorPointX (ECQL) - (Point Placement) The point along the x axis that the label is started at anchored). Offset and rotation is relative to this point. Only one of labelAnchorPointX/Y or labelAlign will be respected, since they are both ways of defining the anchor Point
  • labelAnchorPointY (ECQL) - (Point Placement) The point along the y axis that the label is started at (anchored). Offset and rotation is relative to this point. Only one of labelAnchorPointX/Y or labelAlign will be respected, since they are both ways of defining the anchor Point
  • labelPerpendicularOffset (ECQL) - (Line Placement) If this property is defined it will be assumed that the geometry is a line and this property defines how far from the center of the line the label should be drawn.


Labeling in this style format is done by defining a text symbolizer ("type": "text"). All text symbolizers consist of:

Label Property

The label property defines what label will be drawn for a given feature. The value is either a string which will be the static label for all features that the symbolizer will be drawn on or a string surrounded by [] which indicates that it is an ECQL Expression. Examples:

  • Static label
  • [attributeName]
  • ['Static Label Again']
  • [5]
  • 5
  • env('java.home')
  • centroid(geomAtt)

Halo Properties

A halo is a space around the drawn label text that is color (using the halo properties). A label with a halo is like the drawn label text with a buffer around the label text drawn using the halo properties. This allows the label to be clearly visible regardless of the background. For example if the text is black and the halo is with, then the text will always be readable thanks to the white buffer around the label text.


The Font/weight/style/color/opacity properties define how the label text is drawn. They are for the most part equivalent to the similarly named css and SLD properties.

Placement Properties

An important part of defining a text symbolizer is defining where the text/label will be drawn. The placement properties are used for this purpose. There are two types of placements, Point and Line placement and only one type of placement can be used. The type of placement is determined by inspecting the properties in the text symbolizer and if the labelPerpendicularOffset property is defined then a line placement will be created for the text symbolizer.

It is important to realize that since only one type of placement can be used, an error will be reported if labelPerpendicularOffset is defined in the text symbolizer along with any of the point placement properties.

Point Placement

Point placement defines an anchor point which is the point to draw the text relative to. For example an anchor point of 0.5, 0.5 ("labelAnchorPointX": "0.5", "labelAnchorPointY": "0.5") would position the start of the label at the center of the geometry.

After anchor point, comes displacement displacement defines the distance from the anchor point to start the label. The combination of the two values determines the final location of the label.

Lastly, there is a label rotation which defines the orientation of the label.

There are two ways to define the anchor point, either the labelAnchorPointX/Y properties are set or the labelAlign property is set. If both are defined then the labelAlign will be ignored.

Vendor Options

For text symbolizers the following vendor options are available:

  • allowOverruns (false): When false does not allow labels on lines to get beyond the beginning/end of the line. By default a partial overrun is tolerated, set to false to disallow it.
  • autoWrap (400): Number of pixels are which a long label should be split into multiple lines. Works on all geometries, on lines it is mutually exclusive with the followLine option.
  • conflictResolution (true): Enables conflict resolution (default, true) meaning no two labels will be allowed to overlap. Symbolizers with conflict resolution off are considered outside of the conflict resolution game, they don’t reserve area and can overlap with other labels.
  • followLine (true): When true activates curved labels on linear geometries. The label will follow the shape of the current line, as opposed to being drawn a tangent straight line
  • goodnessOfFit (90): Sets the percentage of the label that must sit inside the geometry to allow drawing the label. Works only on polygons.
  • group (false): If true, geometries with the same labels are grouped and considered a single entity to be labeled. This allows to avoid or control repeated labels.
  • maxDisplacement (400): The distance, in pixel, a label can be displaced from its natural position in an attempt to find a position that does not conflict with already drawn labels.
  • spaceAround (50): The minimum distance between two labels, in pixels.


"version": "2",
"*": {
"symbolizers": [{
"type": "text",
"fontColor": "#000000",
"label": "[name]",
"goodnessOfFit": 0.1,
"spaceAround": 10

For more information, please refer to the GeoTools documentation.

ECQL references


Basic implementation for loading and parsing an SLD style.